Wednesday, June 17, 2009


wat a Damn* inspiring day today is! WooWoO~
Being scolded , scolded & scolded again
3 weeks consecutively already... it must be continuous, i affirm it!

the feeling of being scolded
is not as "horrible terrible & vegetable" (jj's msn personal msg these days) as u might think for
Reversely, i felt fuc*king high and drunk myself in a heartening eMo.
Felt Fu*king coOL!
she bibiblablabla-ed~~ meanwhile, i kept laughing there, with my bad attitude as wat she claimed on us - childish babies~
Fu*K it! im scolding myself in real.
How could i be such a disrespectful student to a beloved teacher?
where my moral & ethic hav gone?
perhaps they just feel comfortable by absent themselves in front of u.

"sender (encode) msg through medium (decoded by) receiver"
wat the hell! learned it in CB diploma
and i 'just' obtained an 'A' for this subject
am i qualified to giv her a tiny little comment? Wuaakaaaha~
i know i'm over-arrogant here.

She thought she is alright & all right. It may just be wishful thinking on her own part, i thought.
Did she ever realize tat the fact is all of the students who received her msg get the same idea from the msg?
Yooszz! the crucial point is here!
all's All students presented themselves 1/2 an hour late!
Emnn.. should the receiver always be blamed on whenever the comunication outcome didn't reach to the eXpectation level?
If yr answer is YES, then Congratulations! u may hav another chance to resit the paper.
Wat the fu*king idiot it is!
Even though the msg is clear enough and able to carry out wat the sender's true mind precisely, Yet, the sender wouldbe considered as an incompetent.
This may sound a bit deviant, but it's authentic.
As a capable sender, the task is not just limited to convey the msg in an efficient way,
but it must be ensured it's effective as well!

i know the theory well, may this be the only reason why i feel proud of my CB results~
YooOOo! Fu*K it down!

The worst worst thing was shouting there:" You don't know English!"
Fu*K it to MaX!
Right Now, i'm typing TAMIL!!!

An eXcellent teacher will create a goodwill environment for students to study
An eXcellent teacher will not make use of students for comparison

Accordingly, u just can be considered a good teacher maximumly by using the strict characteristic to cover yr inability of teaching students in an eXcellent way!
You will never get a higher position unless u change yr attitude, sincerely.

wat a Damn* eXciting day today is, once again.


i luv'ing in one of my girl-fren's statement:
v r rubbish... u should be the dustbin..

~ f***k u la~~~wat attitude? hope u go die!!!!
~u wont tired mie?? asyik scold us =X
~you like a bitch!! shiy u!! old bitch...........

My skies~ how come girls at present becoming so... ... err... i'm finding 'suitable' adjective,
however, i failed.
i dont wan be killed oFF without awareness~

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